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Squash & Tennis

Dowty Sports & Social members can play tennis and squash at the club. 


The two squash courts can be booked up to two weeks in advance using the booking form at the club. Currently online booking is unavailable. 


To take part in the Dowty Squash League, check the noticeboard by the squash courts for more information.

Use of the courts is free, however the lights and heating are on a cash meter which costs £1 per 10 minutes. 

Access to the courts and changing rooms is provided via an entry fob which is provided as part of your membership and reactivated annually. If you have a fob but haven't visited for more than 12 months, please visit the club to exchange your old fob for an activated one. 




The two tennis courts can be booked by clicking here. Members will be provided with an access code to enter the courts which are then free to use.  Flood lights are available using a token system, each token is £1 for 30 minutes.  Tokens can be purchased from the bar or office.

Dowty Sports & Social currently doesn't have a tennis club, so do get in touch if you'd like to start one!

Address: Dowty Sports & Social Limited, Down Hatherley Lane, Down Hatherley, Gloucester, GL2 9QH

Tel: 01452 712223 

Registered in England No: 3738940

VAT No: 655410155

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